Register your star player!
Summerville Miracle League has both a Minor (Youth) League and a Major (Adult) League. The Minor League players range in ages from 5 to 18. If you have a younger child that is ready to play, contact us to discuss options. The Major League players range from age 18 to infinity!
Please complete and submit the form below. Or, register in person on the first Saturday that your player is ready to participate. NOTE: If you have multiple players, please enter your email address in only the first player's form! Unfortunately, our chosen tool will not support multiple entries with the same email address.
Please complete and submit the form below. Or, register in person on the first Saturday that your player is ready to participate. NOTE: If you have multiple players, please enter your email address in only the first player's form! Unfortunately, our chosen tool will not support multiple entries with the same email address.
Volunteer at a Miracle League game
Click here to volunteer sign up as a 'Buddy' at an upcoming game. It is a wonderful experience that you may find worth repeating over and over again!